Foundation CR14, established by the Ministry of Defence of Estonia, is based on more than 10 years of military-grade cyber range experience and provides a wide range of cyber range solutions, including cyber range training, exercises, testing, validation and experimentation.
Years of military-grade cyber range experience
Top-level #cyberrangers on our team
Cyber experts trained within a year
Unique training grounds for cyber defence
Cyber Range is a unique software-based virtual environment used for cybersecurity training and the development of dual-use innovative technologies using cyberspace.
Open Cyber Range (OCR) is a virtual environment used for active cyber defence training and technology testing and development. CR14's OCR platform will include tools and products that are not part of the standard cloud service.
The Estonian national CR is based on more than ten years of operating experience, arguably being one of the earliest establishments of its kind globally.
NATO CR is a platform and data centre enabling NATO to conduct its largest cyber defence exercises and training, such as the Cyber Coalition and the Coalition Warrior Interoperability exercise (CWIX). CR14 is proud of the opportunity to serve the development of NATO’s capacity in this area since 2014 and to support Allies in achieving better preparedness for cyber-attacks.
Our mission is to explore the art of cyber defence which might sometimes extend beyond the limits of the unclassified.
Last week, NATO's annual cyber defence exercise, Cyber Coalition 2024, concluded in Tallinn. The event brought together over 1,000 cyber defence experts from around the world. Participants practised countering attacks against critical national infrastructure and conducting joint cyber defence operations.
Read moreLast week, NATO's annual cyber defence exercise, Cyber Coalition 2024, concluded in Tallinn. The event brought together over 1,000 cyber defence experts from around the world. Participants practised countering attacks against critical national infrastructure and conducting joint cyber defence operations.
Eelmisel nädalal lõppes Tallinnas NATO iga-aastane küberkaitseõppus Cyber Coalition 2024, millest võttis osa üle 1000 küberkaitseeksperdi üle maailma. Õppusel osalejad harjutasid kriitiliste riikliku taristu vastaste rünnete tõrjumist ning ühiste küberkaitseoperatsioonide läbiviimist.
Read moreEelmisel nädalal lõppes Tallinnas NATO iga-aastane küberkaitseõppus Cyber Coalition 2024, millest võttis osa üle 1000 küberkaitseeksperdi üle maailma. Õppusel osalejad harjutasid kriitiliste riikliku taristu vastaste rünnete tõrjumist ning ühiste küberkaitseoperatsioonide läbiviimist.