Cyber threats do not recognize borders, and neither should our defenses. As the digital landscape evolves, cross-border collaboration becomes essential in strengthening cybersecurity resilience. In line with this mission, CR14 has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bergische Struktur- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, marking the beginning of a strategic partnership between Estonia and Germany to advance cybersecurity innovation.
Cyber threats do not recognize borders, and neither should our defenses. As the digital landscape evolves, cross-border collaboration becomes essential in strengthening cybersecurity resilience. In line with this mission, CR14 has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bergische Struktur- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, marking the beginning of a strategic partnership between Estonia and Germany to advance cybersecurity innovation.
Legacy software is the backbone of many defence and security systems. While these systems were once at the forefront of innovation, they now present a significant challenge: how do we modernize mission-critical tools without disrupting their functionality or compromising security? At CR14, we don’t just ask these questions—we find the answers.
Read moreLegacy software is the backbone of many defence and security systems. While these systems were once at the forefront of innovation, they now present a significant challenge: how do we modernize mission-critical tools without disrupting their functionality or compromising security? At CR14, we don’t just ask these questions—we find the answers.
Last week, NATO's annual cyber defence exercise, Cyber Coalition 2024, concluded in Tallinn. The event brought together over 1,000 cyber defence experts from around the world. Participants practised countering attacks against critical national infrastructure and conducting joint cyber defence operations.
Read moreLast week, NATO's annual cyber defence exercise, Cyber Coalition 2024, concluded in Tallinn. The event brought together over 1,000 cyber defence experts from around the world. Participants practised countering attacks against critical national infrastructure and conducting joint cyber defence operations.
Eelmisel nädalal lõppes Tallinnas NATO iga-aastane küberkaitseõppus Cyber Coalition 2024, millest võttis osa üle 1000 küberkaitseeksperdi üle maailma. Õppusel osalejad harjutasid kriitiliste riikliku taristu vastaste rünnete tõrjumist ning ühiste küberkaitseoperatsioonide läbiviimist.
Read moreEelmisel nädalal lõppes Tallinnas NATO iga-aastane küberkaitseõppus Cyber Coalition 2024, millest võttis osa üle 1000 küberkaitseeksperdi üle maailma. Õppusel osalejad harjutasid kriitiliste riikliku taristu vastaste rünnete tõrjumist ning ühiste küberkaitseoperatsioonide läbiviimist.
Last week saw the conclusion of Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise (CWIX), NATO's largest-ever digital interoperability exercise. Taking place in NATO Joint Force Training Centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland and being hosted on the CR14 multiverse of cyber ranges, CWIX allows NATO and its members to experiment and test their deployable systems in a controlled environment.
Read moreLast week saw the conclusion of Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise (CWIX), NATO's largest-ever digital interoperability exercise. Taking place in NATO Joint Force Training Centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland and being hosted on the CR14 multiverse of cyber ranges, CWIX allows NATO and its members to experiment and test their deployable systems in a controlled environment.
Maritime technology has been developing rapidly for some time now, with 80% of world trade transported by sea today. While we enjoy the fruits of that development, we must remember to fortify our defences to ensure they remain untainted. That is why we proudly announce that CR14 has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Tallinn University of Technology to jointly focus and collaborate on maritime cybersecurity R&D.
Read moreMaritime technology has been developing rapidly for some time now, with 80% of world trade transported by sea today. While we enjoy the fruits of that development, we must remember to fortify our defences to ensure they remain untainted. That is why we proudly announce that CR14 has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Singapore Maritime Institute (SMI), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Tallinn University of Technology to jointly focus and collaborate on maritime cybersecurity R&D.
Cyber ranges come in different styles and sizes but tend to revolve around the public sector and military forces' needs. CR14 helps to change that with its Open Cyber Range, which is aimed directly towards the private sector. And for free at that!
Read moreCyber ranges come in different styles and sizes but tend to revolve around the public sector and military forces' needs. CR14 helps to change that with its Open Cyber Range, which is aimed directly towards the private sector. And for free at that!
The largest Western Europe-led cyber exercise Defence Cyber Marvel 3 took place in Tallinn, on CR14's cyber range, featuring 41 teams with one thousand participants from 90 organisations, 17 nations and 51 industry partners.
Read moreThe largest Western Europe-led cyber exercise Defence Cyber Marvel 3 took place in Tallinn, on CR14's cyber range, featuring 41 teams with one thousand participants from 90 organisations, 17 nations and 51 industry partners.
As we power down 2023, let's reboot our memories and revisit the cryptic journey of CR14 – filled with important numbers, strong global partnerships, and an inspiring growing team of #cyberrangers.
Read moreAs we power down 2023, let's reboot our memories and revisit the cryptic journey of CR14 – filled with important numbers, strong global partnerships, and an inspiring growing team of #cyberrangers.